Monday, June 23, 2008

Lots of Educational Excitement!!

Keegan started his jump start to kindergarten program on Thursday and he loves his new teacher, Mrs. Martinez. He asks every day if tomorrow is school and jumps up and down with excitement when I say yes. It is Mon through Fri from 8 to noon through the end of July.

I finished my masters and graduated w/ honors. I'm very glad I got my masters but am also very glad I'm done with it!

We are gearing up for fall when Bill starts his nursing clinicals and Keegan starts full-day kindergarten.


Unknown said...

Yahoo! A blog update..way to go, Ali. Great pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Ali! Fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Ali, Congratulations! Its just awesome :) Good luck to Bill with his clinicals, the end is in sight! I cannot belive how big the kids are, and cant wait to see your disney pics,
Love to all
Carolyn, Tom and Ashley