Monday, January 08, 2007

General Update

I've been sick the past week with a bad cold... actually it was probably the flu. I felt terrible on Tuesday, then felt a little better by Friday, but yesterday I again felt terrible and finally just decided to camp out at home for the day. I'm still sick today, but I think it is going away.

Bill and I got our grades from last semester. Bill got an A in his Anatomy class. I got an A in Adv. Corporate tax and a B+ in my partnership taxation class. It is my first B, but honestly I deserved B since I didn't study as hard as I would have liked to given having a new baby, the holidays, starting back at work and what was going on with Keegan. Bill and I are both only taking one class each this semester so it should be less stressful.

Keegan is doing just awesome. Next week he gets to be the star of the week at his pre-school. I'm not sure all that entails, but I'm sure I'll hear all about it. He is super excited. Brodin is also doing well. After waking up at night the last few weeks he let us sleep last night.... what a good baby!

I hope everyone had a very happy holiday!

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