Friday, March 23, 2007

Brodin is pretty much crawling. It is an army crawl but he can get accross the room in a flash. It is so cute, I've been trying to catch it on video and will upload it once I get it. Meanwhile here is a cute pic of Brodin in his new Monkey shorts.

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And Keegan has been feeling really well. His last CAT scan showed that there has been no growth in the cyst so it appears we were wise to wait it out. He has another follow up in 9 months. Here he is in his firefighter outfit from mom. He loves it.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Brodin's 6-month and Keegan's Eye follow-up

Our baby Brodin had his 6-month check-up today. If I'm remembering correctly he weighed in at 18lbs 12oz and was 27 1/2 inches. He can sit up on his own for about a minute and is super close to being able to crawl. He is saying da-da-da-da and Keegan loves to make him laugh.

Keegan also had an eye appointment today. We got some disappointing news. He still has no depth perception and the doctor said at this point if he hasn't gotten back he never will have it. Also, his eye prescription got a little worse so he will have cute new glasses in a week or so.

Here are some pics from the past few weeks. Enjoy!

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