Monday, February 05, 2007


So Brodin has started eating babyfood. We are only giving him a little each day to get him used to it. I've also decided to make all of Brodin's babyfood myself which has been suprisingly easier than I thought it would be. He also is talking a bit more and is getting more mobile. He now uses rolling to get where he needs to be. He is getting so big!!!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Anonymous said...

Hi. Just checking in to see what's new. Darling picture of Brodin. Dad and I had such a great visit with you all this past Friday. Just took my pictures in today. Maybe I'll have a cute one(s) of the boys. Love, Mom Sluis

Lisa said...

My word, has time flown! It just seems like yesterday Brodin was born! He is so "grown" now! (and might I add, a cutie-patootie, too.)

Glad to hear you all are doing well!

Anonymous said...

Best looking boy in the world (tied with Keegan)\Dad