Monday, January 15, 2007

Being Lazy

Yes folks I'm being lazy. I have lots of cute new pics and even a cute new video, but not really in the mood to upload everything... so you will just have to wait in anticipation.

Brodin had his first taste of food a few days ago. We gave him gerber's rice cereal. He ate about a small baby foods jar worth, pretty good for the first time. We haven't tried again since. We figure he doesn't have to be on solids until 6 months so we are just easing in. He seems to love food just like his brother!

Paul and Aushima came over for dinner a couple of days ago. We had yummy Thai food. Aushima left on Saturday for India. She will be gone 2 months and will be dearly missed!!!

Beth and I got together yesterday and we made "booby bead" type necklaces... check out what I'm referred to here:

Cute Keegan Quote of the Week: "Mommy I need a Kleenex because my nose is running away again"

We just got about 6 inches of snow here.... I just saw our neighbor outside and he snow-blowed our side walk.. Thanks Bill!! (this is our neighbors name, not referring to hubby Bill).

Bill and I are finally off together tonight. We still need to open our Christmas gifts from Aunt Ann... I'm thinking tonight may be a good night for that.

I hope everyone it doing well!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Everyone. Hope this goes ok to you. Love the Keegan comment about running nose. Nice to be lazy once in a while. But don't think it is possible with two little ones. Brodin eating some rice cereal? Did he get it all over? Can't wait 'til we visit again. Miss you all. Want to make cookies again, but this time I'll take pictures. Love, Mom Sluis